Wednesday, March 16, 2016

COMPANY: Unfair Advantage

The Radar is an upscale quarterly magazine targeting minorities. The primary target is African American, but the magazine will also feature Hispanic and Asian cover stories. The Radar will follow the lead of all magazines of its class by offering to solve a problem for the reader, such as losing weight, saving money or becoming more successful. 

This service offering is filling a gap in the market, the idea is not new, nor is the target market new – however this concept has not been adequately addressed in our area. This type of service does not allow for the creation of barriers to discourage duplication, it’s a relevantly simple business model that others can duplicate. There are only two real points of differentiation; the quality of our customer service and the high quality of our product offering. Those are reasons that create customer loyalty.

The Radar is an upscale quarterly magazine targeting minorities. The primary target is African American, but the magazine will also feature Hispanic and Asian cover stories. The Radar will follow the lead of all magazines of its class by offering to solve a problem for the reader, such as losing weight, saving money or becoming more successful. 

This service offering is filling a gap in the market, the idea is not new, nor is the target market new – however this concept has not been adequately addressed in our area. This type of service does not allow for the creation of barriers to discourage duplication, it’s a relevantly simple business model that others can duplicate. There are only two real points of differentiation; the quality of our customer service and the high quality of our product offering. Those are reasons that create customer loyalty, but we will also make available an online directory on The Radar’s website which includes local businesses that are targeting minorities. This service will be free to businesses and will work as a resource center for locals seeking a specific service or need.   


  1. Do people read magazines anymore? Its all online. You could actually make an online community around this. The set up is around $500 to 1K depending on how you do it.

  2. Do people read magazines anymore? Its all online. You could actually make an online community around this. The set up is around $500 to 1K depending on how you do it.

  3. I am assuming the area of coverage is Gainesville FL. I think a research can be done to add more territory and to be able to expand in case of more traction. Although the print market is slowly fading away i think there is still interest in bound magazines. But for long run more trendy approach should be put in place. Newsletter email, website twitter feeds to keep it more active and buzzing.
