Thursday, March 24, 2016

MARKET: Customer Interview Strategy

Potential Interviewees Advertisers:
1.       Marketing Executive with media buying experience - Dana
2.       Community Relations Executive with media buying experience – Rose
3.       City Marketing and Communications Manager – Bob
4.       Co-founder local publishing company – Scott
5.       UF MSE Graduate Student and former magazine employee
6.       Local satellite company media buyer
7.       Local cable company media buyer
Potential Interviewees Magazine Readers:
1.       African American female age 25 with college degree
2.       African American female age 45 with college degree

Advertiser Questions:
1.       What is the hardest part about getting your services in the faces of the affluent minorities in North Central Florida?
2.       Can you tell me about the last time that happened?
3.       Why was it hard, was it the process or the results?
4.       Have you done anything to solve that problem – if so what?
5.       What don’t you love about your solution?
6.       How often do you have this problem?
7.       Note; emotions –
8.       3 – peat; tell me again three times
9.       5 why; ask why five times

Reader Questions:
1.       What is the hardest part about getting good information for minorities in North Central Florida seeking improve their lifestyle? 
2.       Can you tell me about the last time you have this issue?
3.       Why was it hard, was it the process or the results?
4.       Have you done anything to solve that problem – if so what?
5.       What don’t you love about your solution?
6.       How often do you have this problem?
7.       Note; emotions –
8.       3 – peat; tell me again three times
9.       5 whys; ask why five times

I also used the Customer Interview Script writer found on the customer development labs website to generate this interview script that I think is great. I will use it.


  1. Excellent! I really like your idea and your questions. Have you thought of using Google hangouts to do the interview. I saw it was on MS Sharepoint. With Google Hangouts I think you would be able to host it on YouTube for free.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Margaret,

    I feel that you've identified most of the pertinent questions according to the readers and the advertisers. Another possible question for the advertisers would be to ask them where they are currently buying media space. It could also possibly even help identify potential competitors you didn't know you had. I'd also ask the reader what source they are currently getting their media from. It wouldn't hurt to see what they are being exposed to in order for you to ensure that you are providing a superior product, addressing whatever needs aren't being addressed by these other sources.

  4. Margaret,

    You're essentially asking the same questions to both audiences. It seems like you might get more relevant information that can better help you design your business if you dig into specifics. What would they pay for what you offer, what can you do to make your offer more appealing to each customer, etc, etc. Not sure I understood the last few questions on your lists with the asking why and asking them to repeat. Worth a try, I suppose, but you should gauge how interviewees respond to that and adjust accordingly. Good luck!

  5. Hi Margaret,
    I think your questions are concise and to the point. I do think the questions are pretty much the same for both audiences, but that is okay in my opinion. I believe your questions properly indentify the desired feedback you were wanting. Considering your two groups are very different, I think having similar questions in not necessarily a bad thing at all. Every potential customer is different, so I believe that your questions should be broad enough to get more feedback than just simple responses. The more detailed responses are the better responses, as more details can be extracted from these responses.

  6. Margaret,

    I like each of your questions. They are well thought out and they are open ended enough that you will get some great answers in interviews. Specifically, questions such as "Have you done anything to solve that problem - if so what?" That question will prompt some good responses.

    I would consider asking a question about what medium your targets use. As an example, do you get your information from a smartphone, television or the radio? Having this information might be helpful as you formulate your business plan.
    Overall, you have a great start!
