Wednesday, March 9, 2016

SUMMARY: Customers complain about...

Jane, 35, black business woman, living the American Dream
Keshia, I’ve made it, I’m doing well in this town. I have a beautiful house; I have great taste in music, art and clothes. And I know my way around an investment portfolio, but to hear the media tell it; I’m either a criminal or I’m organizing the latest church social – there is more to us than that. I want to pick up a glossy magazine that covers the beauty of my home town and talks about me at a realistic perspective… it’s annoying.

Dave, 28, Corporate Advertising Executive, big budget
Boss, I’m trying, but I haven’t been able to find a local publication for minorities that’s upscale. There are a couple of publications but they are not good quality. I know there is an upscale minority target audience here... I’m just not certain of the best way to reach them. I understand that as a government entity we need to spend our ad budget wisely and fairly and we didn’t score well on the last survey by the NAACP. Trust me I want to do better, I just can’t find the right quality outlet to use. There’s definitely a gap in the market here.

Christina, 25, Graduate Student, Growing

Tammy, I came to Gainesville for undergraduate studies and I loved it here so much I’m staying for grad school. I’m finishing up in a year and the job prospects are looking pretty good for this area. I just wish there was a way for me to feel more connected with the locals. I know that are a lot of Asian-Americans here is town, but it’s like we don’t exist. We have to have our own private communications channels. It would be great if there was a venue for all minorities to share what’s happening in town from their perspective. I feel so strongly about this because I know people are connecting in major’s just not reported in the media. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Margaret,
    I from your post, it appears as though you’re trying to address the following problems: (1) negative profiling and stereotypes of African Americans in the media (2) lack of “respectable” and credible medium that tell the “true” stories of African Americans (3) sub-segments of minority groups not been fully included in generally accepted communication channels.
