Monday, March 28, 2016

MARKET: Customer Interview #1

1) Provide (embed) the video or audio recording of your interview with the customer. As an alternative, you can provide the transcript of your interview but it will take you a lot of time. Thus, I would strongly recommend to go with the video or audio recording. Posts without evidence of the conducted interview won't be accepted. 

Embedded is my conversation with Dana an experienced media buyer.  Small Business Interview No. 1

2) Describe the most interesting and useful insights about your customers that you learned through this interview. 

I learned to place more emphasis on digital and electronic media; they are currently popular because they are getting a tangible result which makes the life of the media buyer easier. I was aware of this before and I have included it as a part of my plan, but to hear her say it adds greater weight.

3) Describe if there is anything you learned about interviewing process. How did you feel during the interview? Was it easy or not? Do you feel like you need to adjust any of your questions or your overall approach?

I learned that interviewing requires really good questions. My questions were okay – but they felt awkward.  I found myself making up the questions are the interview processed, because the line of questioning that I had written down didn’t make as much sense with her responses.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Magi,

    I cannot access your interviews. Can you change some settings to make it accessible or maybe you can put them on youtube?
