Tuesday, March 29, 2016

MARKET: Customer Interview No. 2

1) Provide (embed) the video or audio recording of your interview with the customer. As an alternative, you can provide the transcript of your interview but it will take you a lot of time. Thus, I would strongly recommend to go with the video or audio recording. Posts without evidence of the conducted interview won't be accepted. 
Embedded is my conversation with Ivi an African American female who could be a potential reader of my magazine. Small Business Interview No. 2
2) Describe the most interesting and useful insights about your customers that you learned through this interview. 
I was surprised that Ivi immediately described a struggle that was an issue for her in receiving professional care. That’s an avenue that I had not considered before this conversation. It’s also something for me to keep in mind regarding the magazine content. The comfort level is very important when dealing with personal issues.  
3) Describe if there is anything you learned about interviewing process. How did you feel during the interview? Was it easy or not? Do you feel like you need to adjust any of your questions or your overall approach?
Again I had to revamp the questions to follow the course of the conversation. I also had to omit a question. I think that’s okay because I did gain useful information.

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