Wednesday, March 16, 2016

SUMMARY: Rewrite

Based on the feedback that I received; I will address these three points in my Summary Rewrite: the definition of local, the size of my target market and who my primary target audience is and why.
Summary REWRITE: Customer Problems and my Solutions
Minority area residents are seeking an alternative source for hot topics with a local flavor.  They feel as if they are being overlooked by the main media outlets, or when they are included outlets are not really covering their topics of interest.  African Americans, Hispanic and Asians make up about 50 percent of the local population. So, if they need a publication that caters to them – their segment is large enough to support it.

The geographic scope of our market will be regional covering the north central Florida area with a focus on the 800 plus square miles of Alachua County. Regarding my target audience, I estimate that my primary target audience may be about 20,000. Of this 20,000, a little more than half are female; although females are not my only target – they may have more of a propensity to actually pick up the FREE magazine. The median household income of the Gainesville area is about $46,000, we set our target income at $50,000 although it would not be considered affluent in most markets - this is a good level of income for minorities in the area.

There is an opportunity for an upscale magazine, covering minorities, in the North Central Florida area. Gainesville has an unmet need for a publication covering the topics of politics, technology, medicine, entertainment and money matters with a local flavor. There is also an unmet need from the business perspective; businesses want to reach affluent members of the African American community in a manner that demonstrates they are in partnership with them. The simple act of spending money in a publication targeted to blacks and owned by blacks speaks volumes in the African American community.  I will be selling advertising space in a magazine and then giving the magazine away to members of the community. In some cases we may have a few subscription sales for home delivery.   

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