Thursday, April 7, 2016

ECONOMICS: Costs groups

Unit Costs:

Ad sales: 41 Total Pages – Average Price per page $1,739

·         Thirty-six internal pages  - full-page ad = $59,400 ($1,650 each)
·         *Five Premium pages = $11,900 (average $2,380 each)
·         Total ad sales = $71,300

*Premium pages
One Back Cover age                                                               $2,980
Two pages - Inside Front Cover or first interior page            $2,490 ea.

Two pages - Inside Back Cover or last interior Page             $1,970 ea. 

1 comment:

  1. Magi,

    I like the ratio of your fixed costs to your variable costs. This balance puts you on a nice path to break-even and profitability sooner than other highly leveraged ventures. I also like how you accounted for cash on hand, seeing as that is certainly something I overlooked when developing my cost lists. Great work
