Thursday, April 7, 2016

MARKET: Rewrite

Changes and Why
I would add another question to the media buyer series. As a colleague recommended this could help identify potential competitors that I was not aware. I'd also ask the reader what source they are currently getting their media from. I have also decided to ask why with this question as that will give me more information.

I will also add another question to the readers’ question list regarding their sources for news and information. This will help to determine if I’m missing an obvious angle in my planning. I will add a question about the medium that the readers’ are using. Do they use smartphones, laptops, TV, newspaper and magazine for their news and information. 

Rewrite Media Buyer Question (addition)
Which media channels are you currently using and why?

Rewrite Reader Question (additions)
What are you top three sources for news and information?
Do you use smartphones, laptops, TV, newspaper and magazine to review news and information?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Margaret,
    Developing the "right" questions to ask on surveys/interviews can be a challenging task. A good idea is to pre-test the questions before you actually administer them to your targeted group.
