Thursday, April 7, 2016

ECONOMICS: Reflection

  1. What exercises were hard or easy for you? Why?
These exercises were not hard but they were intense. They required careful thought to make certain they were being completed correctly as they were detailing with costs, pricing and revenue.
  1. Did you learn anything that you didn't know before? 
I have calculated break even costs before, but I think I did a better job of it this time. I also added more items to my list of costs, so that was helpful.
  1. Do you like your final result or you think it can be improved. What would you improve when you have time?

I think my final results are good in this section. I still think I could improve my costs' list, the more I consider it, the more items I have to add. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had an easier time calculating this. Just out of curiosity did you find any software or web apps that helps doing these calculations?
