Saturday, April 2, 2016

MARKET: Four levels of Product/Service

The following is a table of possible magazine competition in our area targeting minorities. They include the Gainesville Magazine, The Guardian and Ebony Magazine. Ebony is the market leader in print magazines targeting minorities, The Guardian is a local newspaper targeting minorities and the Gainesville Magazine is a local upscale magazine. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an interesting concept but wonder how relevant magazines are these days. The media buy seems to be favoring Facebook which is crushing it on mobile and taking a lot of the ad buy. When I did my Ph.D. I focused on two areas – social identification and commitment. What I learned is that you need to develop in any association, which parallels what you are trying to do, is three things, building stickiness between members and with the organization, co-production where members contribute to building the materials the organization puts out and some form of recognition for members.

    How might that translate into your project. How can you develop bonds with members and between members. Could you do events for your members, provide speakers on topics, have recognition for people in the community, etc. Can members of the community have space to write articles, do editorials, etc. Moreover, studies have found that people find a lot more value for something when the benefits cant be obtained elsewhere. Can you work out discounts for members, access to events, etc?
