Tuesday, April 5, 2016

ECONOMICS: List of Costs

This is my list of potential costs for producing a magazine. This cost list was created as the result of conversations with a local magazine publisher, Internet research, phone calls with printers and conversations with friends in familiar with the industry. 

One full-time staff person (Marketing, Communications, PR and Sales)
Freelance writers (three)
Freelance designers
Freelance photographer
Magazine Distributer
Printing and production (Binding)
Editing and proofreading
Utilities (electric, water, A/C, cable, phone)
Computer/ office equipment
Sales staff expense account
Marketing and promotions (logo design)
Postage and shipping
Public Relations
Travel expense
Legal fees        
Office supplies
Stationery, etc.
Website design
Website hosting
Cash-on-hand operating capital
Misc. and other

1 comment:

  1. Hi Margaret,

    I think your list of costs if very appropriate for the type of business you are venturing into. The most important costs that people seem to overlook is the liquid cash on-hand needed for WC. You clearly state that, which is necessary for sustained CFs fort he business, and thus, the sustainability of the business. If I would add something, I would add external accounting as a cost as they are necessary for a second set of eyes when the B/S, I/S, and Stat of CFs are prepared.
