Friday, April 22, 2016


Operations Process
This flow diagram for magazine publishing assumes that I have all the required staffing and service contracts in place.
1.         The Publisher, Editor and MarCom Director will meet with magazine’s editorial board to determine theme and content for upcoming magazine
2.         Publisher, Editor and MarCom Director (Exec) meet to determine publication calendar with milestones and deadlines, they also determine sales goals for the publication
3.         MarCom Director meets with sales team to give direction and goals
4.         Sales team starts to contact potential advertisers
5.         Editor-in-chief contacts freelance writes and makes assignments with deadlines
6.         Exec meets with freelance designer to draft magazine layout and discuss photo ideas, artwork and cover
7.         Sales team meets with clients and close sales – request artwork for ads
8.         Editor receives the first draft of articles
9.         Exec meets with designer to review articles and make final decision regarding layout, photos, artwork and cover design
10.    Editor contacts freelance photographer and make assignments with deadlines
11.    Designer begins additional creative
12.    Editor receives some print ready ads from clients – forwards to designer
13.   PEM reviews second draft of articles in layout with ads, photos, artwork and cover
14.    Exec reviews first draft of magazine with finalized, artwork, ads, photos and cover design
15.    PEM second review of magazine
16.    Magazine to printer
17.    PEM has first and second round of editing from printer

18.    Magazine printed and delivered

1 comment:

  1. Margaret,

    Your process is broken down into 18 phases or steps. I found several of these steps interesting. The first step is the most important in my opinion. Getting everyone on the same page and establishing how the theme is going to be presented is one of the most important but sometimes overlooked process. The other step that I found interesting was step 11 "Designer Begins additional creative". I like this because its important to let the designers have some creative discretion when it comes to some key design concepts.
